Тесты ЕГЭ по английскому языку. № 1-3. Интервью с известным спортсменом.

Вы услышите интервью с известным спортсменом. В заданиях A8-A14 вставьте цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую выбранному варианту ответа. Прослушайте запись дважды. Во время первого прослушивания заносите только те ответы, в которых вы уверены. Во время второго прослушивания ответьте на оставшиеся утверждения.

A8 Joe says that when he was a child,
l) his father encouraged him to play sports.
2) there was a range of sports facilities near his home.
3) he was better at sports than other local children.

A9 Joe says that when he was growing up,
1) he was equally good at athletics, baseball and football.
2) he was better at baseball than football.
3) he could have chosen to play baseball as a career.

A10 What does Joe say about his parents?
1) They did a lot of things to help him in his sporting activities.
2) At first they didn’t want him to become a professional sportsman.
3) He inherited some of his sporting skills from his father.

A11 Joe says that some people told him that
1) he should ignore criticism from other people.
2) he would not be a successful professional sportsman.
3) being a sportsman was the best thing he could do with his life.

A12 Joe says that when he was at university.
he saw no connection between his studies and his future.1)
2) he felt that his studies interfered with his sporting activities.
3) he found the subjects that he studied boring.

A13 Joe says that when his career ended,
1) he still believed he could come back one day.
2) he had been expecting to retire soon.
3) he was quickly forgotten.

A14 Joe says that he was able to work in broadcasting because of
l) his willingness to learn new skills.
2) his tendency to give honest opinions.
3) his status as a former great sportsman.

Текст и пояснения.
А8 2 Джо говорит, что к его школе были "прикреплены" ('attached') теннисные корты, бейсбольные поля и поля для американского футбола. Он жил всего в двух кварталах (недалеко) от школы, так что эти спортивные сооружения находились близко к его дому.
A9 3 Джо говорит, что когда он подрос, у него "появилась возможность играть в профессиональный бейсбол" ('had a chance to play professional baseball") (кто-то предложил ему такую возможность), но он "отказался" ('turned it down') (отверг предложение), потому что предпочитал играть в футбол.
A10 1 Джо говорит, что его родители "многим жертвовали ради него" ('sacrificed so much for me') (не делали или не имели того, что хотели, чтобы он мог делать и иметь все, что хотел), чтобы помочь ему в его занятиях спортом. Например, они подвозили его к местам соревнований, в которых он принимал участие.
A11 2 Джо говорит, что он интересовался только спортом и только им хотел заниматься всю жизнь. Он говорит, что у него были "способности к спорту" ('athletic ability'), но окружающие говорили, что он "слишком маленького роста, слишком тощий, слишком медлительный" ("too small, too skinny, too slow') и "недостаточно жесткий" ('not tough enough"), чтобы добиться успеха в профессиональном спорте.
A12 1 Джо говорит, что в университете его основными предметами были социология и бизнес, но он никогда не думал о том, как можно найти "какую-нибудь прилично оплачиваемую работу" ('any kind of gainful employment"), изучая эти предметы. Он не задумывался над тем, как его занятия могли потом помочь ему зарабатывать себе на жизнь, и не видел связи между своим образованием и своим будущим, потому что в будущем он хотел заниматься только спортом.
А13 3 Джо говорит, что когда он получил травму, оборвавшую его карьеру, он понял, что даже такие успешные спортсмены, как он, быстро "забываются" ('become an afterthought' - в данном контексте то, o чем люди не вспоминают, как о чем-то важном). Даже если ты "великий" ('great') или очень "талантливый" ('talented') спортсмен, другой такой же талантливый спортсмен ждет, чтобы занять твое место. Таким образом, Джо говорит, что когда он закончил играть, люди быстро забыли его, сосредоточив свое внимание на новых игроках.
А14 2 По мнению Джо, он попал на телевидение/радио ('get into broadcasting'), потому что он "никогда не боялся высказывать своего мнения" ('was never afraid to speak my mind'). Он всегда честно говорил, что думает, даже, когда знал, что его точка зрения может кому-то не понравиться.
Interviewer: My guest today is the legendary American footballer Joe Theismann, who retired from the game in 1985.
Joe, what is your earliest sporting memory?
Joe: Playing sport, day in, day out, in South River, New Jersey, the little town I grew up in, population 8.000.
I lived two blocks from my high school.
There were tennis courts, baseball fields and American football fields attached, and I was down there participating in sports almost from the day I could walk.
The first recollection I have of a major sporting occasion was going with my father to see the New York Giants play.
I was 12. The Giants were a great side then.
Interviewer: Which sports did you play when you were growing up?
Joe: Well, there was baseball.
In fact, I had a chance to play professional baseball, but l turned it down to play football.
And I did all kinds of athletics when I was growing up.
And basketball.
My family hadn’t been professional sports people.
My Dad was a boxer in the army and my abilities to do the things I could probably came from my mum.
They worked hard and sacrificed so much for me, taking me to sporting events I was competing in.
Interviewer: Why did you choose a life in sport, and if you hadn’t, what would you have done?
Joe: Sport was what I grew up with.
It was the only thing I knew and all I wanted to know.
I had no desire to do anything but participate in sports.
I was blessed with athletic ability and I wanted to make the best of what I had.
I was always told that I was too small, too skinny, too slow, not tough enough, and I never ever believed what people told me.
That has stayed with me.
I’ve always said don’t let anyone else control your dreams.
At the University of Notre Dame, I majored in sociology and business, but I never really thought of how those subjects would lead to any kind of gainful employment.
Interviewer: What was the toughest part of your sporting life?
Joe: Leaving it, so suddenly, with no chance to prepare for it.
At 9 p.m. on November 18th 1985, I was one of the best known professional football players in America, and at 10 p.m. I was a hospital patient with a compound fracture of my leg, my career over.
I realised suddenly that you become an afterthought.
It is so hard for people to understand.
No matter how great, or how talented you were at sport, the next great one is already sitting there waiting to take your place.
It took me a good three years to adjust mentally to being away from the game.
But I was lucky enough to get into broadcasting — perhaps because I was never afraid to speak my mind.