English Today - Английский сегодня.
Уровень Pre-elementary. Часть 10. Эпизод 13.

Hello again and welcome back for some more English.
ln that last episode there were some interesting sentences.
Jack said: 'Why were you so nervous?', 'Why were you so nervous?'.
This word 'so' plus an adjective, and Sharon said:
'This is such a surprise', 'such', those are the words l want to look at with you now 'so' and 'such'.
Now l want to illustrate them by telling you something about a holiday that l went on, listen to how l use them.
Now in front of me l have some objects which l found when l went to Tibet,
l had a fantastic holiday in Tibet, it was so interesting, and we visited the monasteries there which were so huge and so beautiful, and inside the monasteries we met some monks, now there aren't actually many monks left in the monasteries any more but they were very interesting, and so special and... we saw this instrument, this here, is an instrument and, look, if you... you can open it, it's so strange and it's so long and it's actually so difficult to blow, I'll try it, listen.
Well, when they played it, in Tibet, it was much easier, anyway, so interesting this, so they have these instruments and the monks wear these, these hats look, look, so strange!
Look at them! Very strange, so, or very interesting and in Tibet obviously the temperatues are low and Tibetans have a special type of milk and this is a container were they keep the milk, and the milk is yak milk, it comes from these unusual cows with long hair and horns, that make this milk, yak milk, which is so unpleasant if you are not used to it.
But anyway it was such an interesting trip that l really recommend you should go and visit Tibet.
Now as l was describing Tibet to you l was using both 'so' and 'such', let me show you how that works.
'So' is usually followed by an adjective, the example is 'Tibet is so interesting', 'interesting' is an adjective, 'so interesting' and it gives the impression of being very, extremely interesting.
'We were so impressed by Tibet', 'so' plus adjective, 'These instruments are so difficult to play', 'they're so difficult to play', 'the monasteries are so huge' and 'it was so cheap' in fact 'the holiday was so cheap', alright?
So 'so' followed by an adjective.
Now 'such'; l said 'lt was such an interesting trip', now look at that 'lt was such' is then followed by the noun and if you have an adjective describing the noun that goes before, so look 'lt was such an interesting trip'.
Not easy, it was not 'a such interesting' but 'such an interesting trip', another example 'lt was such a different experience', so 'such' goes before the noun and its adjective.
ln the plural look at what happens
'They sang with such deep voices', yes in fact in Tibet the monks, they sing in their boots, they sing... incredible sound.
You notice in this example we take out 'a', or 'a' or 'an' which is the indefinite article and it becomes
'They sang with such deep voices', 'They wore such strange hats' alright?
So 'so' and 'such', 'so' we use with adjectives, 'such' we use with the noun and its adjective alright?
So, Tibet is so interesting l recommend you go there for a trip, ok.
Great, well l look forward to seeing you in the next lesson for more English, take care and keep practising, bye!

