English Today - Английский сегодня.
Уровень Pre-elementary. Часть 10. Эпизод 6.

Hello Anne! You're very beautiful this evening!
Come on... Would you like a nice, big kiss?
But Peter, are you crazy?!
What's the special occasion?
I'm so happy. I'm elated!
But you're never like this!
What's happened?
Do you remember that famous director who was at my performance?
What did he look like?
You know, that tall, well-dressed man, about 50 years old.
- He looked like Clark Gable.
- Oh, yes, now l remember...
Well, he said he wanted to direct a musical in Japan.
Yes, and... But so what?
... And he said he wanted me to do an audition.
Yes... l can't stand the suspense...
- What about him?
- Well... Today l auditioned...
And listen to this, Anne! He wants me to go with him to Japan!
Oh, congratulations, Peter!
That's fantastic. I'm so happy for you!
Now tell me everything...
What was the audition like?
l was very nervous...
At first he asked me to sing, and then he asked me to act like a snob...
You know, they're putting on 'My Fair Lady' and they are looking for an actor to play the Professor of Pronunciation.
Remember, this professor transforms a simple flower girl into a high society star.
Oh, wow! A leading role!
You are perfect for the part!
You like wearing fancy scarves...
You enjoy using a superior tone of voice...
Are you going to move to Japan?
Of course! I'm so excited about the idea of living there.
l wonder what it will be like?!
What does Sharon think about all this?
Well, she doesn't know yet...
You know, she's so moody...
l need to find the right words...
Anyway... All l can think about now is celebrating!
- Do you wanna go dancing?!
- But you hate dancing, Peter!
l know. But l wanna be crazy tonight!
Put on your best dress...
l want you to look like Sophia Loren!
Hey, what's happening here?
- You're kissing each other!
- Alice, now hold on... I'm leaving for Japan!
For Japan?
What are you going to do in Japan?
I'm gonna act in a great musical... 'My Fair Lady'!
That's amazing!
And when are you going to leave?
l don't really know yet.
l think we're gonna leave in two or three weeks at the most.
And what does Sharon think about this?
Sharon, Sharon! All you wanna know about is Sharon...
l imagine she'll be very pleased to come with me...
At any rate, it's time to party!
We're going dancing, would you like to join us?
Dancing?! Why aren't you always like this?
Going to Japan is making you much more fun!

