Упражнение 307.

Замените сложные предложения простыми при помощи оборота "именительный падеж с инфинитивом" и переведите их на русский язык:
1. It is likely that the ship will arrive to-night.
2. It is not likely that they will return soon.
3. It is very likely that his article will be published in the newspaper.
4. It was not likely that the telegram would reach them in time.
5. It is unlikely that the meeting will be postponed.
6. It is likely that the conference will be held in Moscow.
7. It is likely that he has accepted their offer.
8. It is likely that the goods were shipped on Monday.
9. It is certain that they will be here on Monday.
10. It is sure that they will come to Moscow.
11. It seems likely that an agreement will be reached in the near future.
12. It appears likely that he will recover soon.
13. It seemed unlikely that the price of these raw materials would rise.
14. It appears unlikely that the experiment will give good results.
15. It seems likely that there will be a storm on the sea.
16. It is likely that there will be a heated discussion of this question.
17. It is likely that there will be a good wheat crop in the Ukraine this year.

1. The ship is likely to arrive tonight.
Пароход, вероятно, прибудет сегодня вечером.
2. They are not likely to return soon.
Маловероятно, что они скоро вернутся.
3. His article is very likely to be published in the newspaper.
Очень вероятно, что его статья будет помещена в газете.
4. The telegram was not likely to reach them in time.
Было маловероятным, что телеграмма дойдет до них вовремя.
5. The meeting is unlikely to be postponed. Вряд ли собрание будет отложено.
6. The conference is likely to be held in Moscow.
Конференция, вероятно, состоится в Москве.
7. Не is likely to have accepted their offer.
Он, вероятно, принял их предложение.
8. The goods are likely to have been shipped on Monday.
Товары, вероятно, были отгружены в понедельник.
9. They are certain to be here on Monday.
Они непременно будут здесь в понедельник.
10. They are sure to come to Moscow.
Они непременно приедут в Москву.
11. An agreement seems likely to be reached in the near future.
Кажется вероятным, что в ближайшем будущем будет достигнуто соглашение.
12. Не appears likely to recover soon.
Кажется вероятным, что он скоро поправится.
13. The price of these raw materials seemed unlikely to rise.
Казалось маловероятным, что цена на это сырье поднимется.
14. The experiment appears unlikely to give good results.
Кажется маловероятным, что опыт даст хорошие результаты.
15. There seems likely to be a storm on the sea.
Кажется вероятным, что на море будет шторм.
16. There is likely to be a heated discussion of this question.
По этому вопросу будет, вероятно, горячая дискуссия.
17. There is likely to be a good wheat crop in the Ukraine this year.
В этом году на Украине будет, вероятно, хороший урожай пшеницы.
