Упражнение 316.


Допишите следующие предложения, употребляя герундий или инфинитив. В тех случаях, когда наряду с герундием можно употребить инфинитив, поставьте инфинитив в скобках после герундия:
1. I couldn't help ... .
2. I am tired of ... .
3. He left the room without ... .
4. At last we succeeded in ... .
5. She was prevented from ... .
6. I gave up ... .
7. He went to the club instead of... .
8. You should avoid ... .
9. He read the newspaper before ... .
10. He has no intention of ....


1. ... laughing; telling them about it, etc.
2. ... reading; doing this work, etc.
3. ... saying anything; looking at us, etc.
4. ... finding him; getting the necessary information, etc.
5. ... going there; finishing her work in time, etc.
6. ... smoking; going to bed late, etc.
7. ... going home; doing his homework, etc.
8. ... bathing after sunset; sitting in the sun, etc.
9. ... going to bed; leaving home, etc.
10. ... spending his holiday in the south; taking part in this work, etc.
