Упражнение 343.

Замените придаточные предложения причастными оборотами в переведите их на русский язык:
1. While we were crossing the bridge, we saw Comrade D., who was talking with an old man.
2. As we were very tired, we refused to go for a walk.
3. A large branch, which had been broken by the wind, lay across the road.
4. I’ll show you the article which has been written by my brother.
5. The ship which was chartered for the transportation of wheat will arrive tomorrow.
6. As he thought that it would rain, he put on a rain-coat.


1. While crossing the bridge, we saw Comrade D. talking with an old man.
Переходя мост, мы увидели товарища Д., разговаривавшего с каким-то стариком.
2. Being very tired, we refused to go for a walk.
Будучи очень усталыми, мы отказались идти гулять.
3. A large branch, broken by the wind, lay across the road.
Большая ветка, сломанная ветром, лежала поперек дороги.
4. I’ll show you the article written by my brother.
Я покажу вам статью, написанную моим братом.
5. The ship chartered for the transportation of wheat will arrive tomorrow.
Пароход, зафрахтованный для перевозки пшеницы, прибудет завтра.
6. Thinking that it would rain, he put on a raincoat.
Думая, что пойдет дождь, он надел плащ.
