Упражнение 355.

Замените придаточные предложения причастными оборотами и переведите их на русский язык:
1. As he had lost the address of his friend, he couldn't send him a telegram.
2. After the goods had been examined at the custom-house, they were taken away to the warehouse.
3. As the boys had climbed the mountains the summer before, they understood the difficulties.
4. At the conference of the Academy of Sciences, which is now being held in Moscow, a number of important scientific problems are being discussed.
5. As he had been taught by a good teacher, he knew the English language well.
6. Many French dockers lost their job after they had refused to unload American armaments.
7. The moon was invisible as it was hidden by a cloud.
8. As they had been warned that the river was rising rapidly, they turned back.
9. As the population of Leningrad was defended by our heroic army, they were sure of victory.
10. The contract which is being checked by the legal adviser, must be sent off at once.


 1. Having lost the address of his friend, ...
Потеряв адрес своего друга, он не мог послать ему телеграмму.
2. Having been examined at the customhouse
После того, как товары были осмотрены на таможне, они были увезены на склад.
3. Having climbed the mountains the summer before
Совершив восхождение на горы предыдущим летом, мальчики понимали трудности.
4. ..., now being held in Moscow, ... .
На конференции Академии наук, происходящей сейчас в Москве, обсуждается ряд важных научных проблем.
5. Having been taught by a good teacher
Так как с ним занимался хороший преподаватель, он хорошо знал английский язык.
6. ..., having refused to unload American armaments.
Многие французские докеры потеряли работу, отказавшись разгружать американское вооружение.
7. ..., being hidden by a cloud.
Луны не было видно, так как она была спрятана за тучей.
8. Having been warned ... .
Так как они были предупреждены, что река быстро поднимается, они повернули обратно.
9. Being defended by our heroic army, ... .
Так как жителей Ленинграда защищала наша героическая армия, они были уверены в победе (или: Защищаемые нашей героической армией, жители Ленинграда были уверены в победе).
10. The contract being checked by the legal adviser ... .
Контракт, проверяемый (сейчас) юрисконсультом, должен быть немедленно отослан.
