Упражнение 405.

Поставьте выделенные жирным шрифтом слова в начале предложения и
сделайте необходимые изменения:
1. I have never heard such a beautiful voice. 2. He had hardly stopped speaking when a
loud knock was heard at the door. 3. An old house stood at the corner of the street. 4. They
were no sooner under shelter than the storm broke out. 5. All her efforts to persuade him were
in vain. 6. I pointed out in vain that it was 'useless to go there. 7. He not only promised to
help me, but he placed all his books at my disposal. 8. If they were to come to-morrow, we
should be very glad. 9. If it had not been so stormy, we should have reached the top of the

Переведите на английский язык, применяя, где можно, обратный порядок
1. «Садитесь, пожалуйста», — сказал директор. 2. «Как вы себя чувствуете?» — спросил
меня доктор. 3. «Я буду здесь завтра в 5 часов», — сказал он. 4. Вот ваш словарь. 5. Вот
они! 6. Вот ваши тетради. 7. Вот ваша аудитория. 8. Где мой учебник? — вот он. 9. «Я
очень рад вас видеть», — сказал тов. Д., пожимая ему руку. 10. Напрасно они старались
убедить его поехать туда. 11. Не успел пароход прибыть в порт, как разразилась буря.
12. Никогда я этого не говорил. 13. У подножия горы стоял маленький домик. 14. Справа от
нас было озеро, а слева была высокая гора. 15. Не успел он придти домой, как раздался телефонный


1. Never have I heard ... . 2. Hardly had he stopped speaking when ... . 3. At the
corner of the street stood an old house. 4. No sooner were they under shelter than ...
. 5. In vain were all her efforts ... . 6. In vain did I point out that ... . 7. Not only did
he promise to help me ... . 8. Were they to come to-morrow ... . 9. Had it not been
so stormy ...

1. "Sit down, please," said the director. 2. "How do you feel?" the doctor asked
me. 3. "I'll be here at five o'clock to-morrow," he said. 4. Here is your dictionary.
5. Here they are! 6. Here are your exercise-books. 7. Here is your classroom.
8. Where is my text-book? — Here it is. 9. "I am very glad to see you," said Comrade
D., shaking his hand. 10. In vain did they try to persuade him to go there.
11. No sooner had the steamer arrived at the port (or: in port) than a storm broke
out. 12. Never have I said it. 13. At the foot of the mountain stood a little house.
14. On our right was a lake, and on our left was a high mountain. 15. No sooner had
he come home than the telephone rang.
