Упражнение 412.

Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. Who teaches you English? 2. Who wrote "Hamlet'*? 3. Who'll come to the pictures with
me? 4. What fell on the floor just now? 5. Which of you knows the shortest way to the station?
6. How many of you can speak English fluently? 7. What is the capital of China? 8. Who is that
man? 9. What t is he? 10. What is she like? 11. What is Alushta like?

Переведите на английский язык:
1. Когда вы купили этот радиоприемник? 2. С кем вы ездили на юг? 3, О ком вы разговариваете?
4. Кому вы дали ваш словарь? 5. Сколько у вас английских книг? 6. Какие вы
видели фильмы в Ленинграде? 7. Кто говорил вам об этом? — Тов. А. 8. Кто преподает вам
английский язык? — Тов. Д. 9. Сколько человек участвовало в этой экспедиции? — Около
ста человек. 10. Кто директор вашего института? — Тов. А. 11. Кто ваш брат? — Он врач.
12. Кто этот молодой человек? — Это мой брат. 13. Каковы ваши планы на лето?
14. Каково ваше мнение по этому вопросу? 15. Каковы ваши условия платежа? 16. Что собой
представляет этот город?


1. Comrade D. does (or: My friend does, My brother does, etc.). 2. Shakespeare
did. 3. I shall (or: He, She will, etc). 4. A pencil did (or: A book did, etc). 5. I do
(or: Comrade A. does, etc). 6. Two of us can (or: All of us can, None of us can,
etc). 7. Peking is. 8. He is Petrov (or: He is my brother, etc). 9. He is a doctor (or:
He is an engineer, etc.). 10. She is tall and dark (or: She is a very kind woman, She
is a highly educated woman, etc.). 11. Alushta is a very pretty little town right on
the seashore.

 1. When did you buy this radio set? 2. Who(m) did you go with to the south?
(or: With whom did you go to the south?) 3. Who(m) are you speaking about? (or:
About whom are you speaking?). 4. Who(m) did you give your dictionary to? (or: To
whom did you give your dictionary?) 5. How many English books have you (or: have
you got)? 6. Which films did you see in Leningrad? 7. Who told you about it? —
Comrade A. did. 8. Who teaches you English? — Comrade D. does. 9. How many
people took part in this expedition? — About a hundred people did. 10. Who is (the)
director of your Institute? — Comrade A. is. 11. What is your brother? — He is a
doctor. 12. Who is this young man? — He is my brother. 13. What are your plans
for the summer? 14. What is your opinion on this question? 15. What are your terms
of payment? 16. What is this town like?
