Упражнения по английскому языку с ответами. №2.

Вставьте существительное в каждый пропуск (mother, friend, boy, dog, man, sister, doctor)

1. This man is my .
2. That woman is Michael's .
3. This is Simon's son. That is big.
4. This is a doctor.
5. That girl is my . She is a .

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Образуйте множественное число существительных

1. box, hero, potato, church, brush, fox, inch.
2. half, knife, leaf, baby, loaf, lady, donkey, fly, wolf, day, thief, army.
3. woman, child, tooth, man, deer, goose, sheep, foot.

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Вставьте а, ап или the, если необходимо

1. This is dog.
2. Where is hotel «Bertram»?
3. Mary’s brother is doctor.
4. Judy has got cat.
5. This is long flight.
6. There are flowers in garden.
7. Italians like spaghetti.
8. Peter and Ben are brothers.
9. We meet Hillary on Monday.

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Образуйте притяжательный падеж от следующих словосочетаний

1. the car of the man;
2. the dog of the boy;
3. the home of my Granny;
4. the dress of my mother;
5. the toy of the child;
6. the brother of my friend;
7. the cat of Mr Brown;
8. the book of the girl.

1. the home of the girls;
2. the toys of the boys;
3. the dresses of (lie women;
4. the friend of my sisters;
5. the room of my parents;
6. the names of his friends;
7. the mother of the children;
8. the dogs of the girls.

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