Упражнение 23.

Вместо точек вставьте, где требуется, артикли a, an или местоимения some и any:

1. I usually smoke ... cigarettes or ... pipe. My father smokes ... cigars.
2. Give me ... match, please.
3. Are there ... matches in that box?
4. Is there ... bookshop in this street? I want to buy ... books.
5. ... watchmaker repairs ... watches and ... clocks.
6. There is ... sofa and ... armchairs in this room.
7. Did you buy ... boots or ... shoes?
8. Comrade A. is ... accountant.
9. Comrade B. is ... architect; his two brothers are ... engineers.
10. There are ... books and ... magazines on the table.


1. —; a; —.
2. a.
3. any.
4. a; some.
5. a; —; —.
6. a; some.
7. —; —.
8. an.
9. an; —.
10. some; some.
