Упражнение 31.

Вместо точек вставьте, где требуется, артикли. Укажите, является ли определение при существительном индивидуализирующим, классифицирующим или описательным:

1. I cannot find ... letter which you gave me this morning.
2. Yesterday I spoke to ... man who had just returned from ... Arctic expedition.
3. ... clock in ... hall is slow.
4. I have received ... letter of great importance.
5. They were standing on ... top of ... hill.
6. ... vessels driven by ... Diesel engines are gradually replacing ... coal burning ships.
7. I have bought ... overcoat with . . . fur collar.
8. They have sold ... cargo of 5,000 tons of ... wheat.
9. ... goods sold on c.i.f. terms must be insured by ... seller at his expense.
10. He lives in ... house opposite ... station.


1. the.
2. a; an (or: the* ). * Если имеется в виду экспедиция, о которой речь шла раньше, т.е. известная собеседникам.
3. the; the.
4. a.
5. the; a.
6. —; —; —.
7. an; a.
8. a; —.
9. —; the.
10. a (or: the** ); the. ** В том случае, если перед вокзалом только один дом.
