Упражнение 64.

Вместо точек вставьте соответствующие притяжательные местоимения- прилагательные или местоимения-существительные:

1. Tell him not to forget ... ticket; she mustn't forget ... either.
2. Whose books are those? Are they ... or ... ?
3. I see that he has lost ... pencil; perhaps you can lend him ... ?
4. Lend them ... dictionary; they have left ... at home.
5. My trunk is heavier than ... .
6. We've taken ... dictionaries; has she taken ... ?
7. Those seats are not ... , they are ... .
8. This does not look like ... book, it must be ... .


1. his, hers.
2. yours (or: hers, ours, etc.), mine (or: yours, theirs, etc.).
3. his, yours.
4. your, theirs.
5. yours (or: hers, theirs, etc.).
6. our, hers.
7. ours (or: yours, theirs, etc.), yours (or: ours, theirs, etc.).
8. my (or: his, her, etc.), hers (or: his, theirs, etc.).
