Упражнение 101.

Вместо точек вставьте местоимения much, many или одно из сочетаний а lot (of), lots (of), plenty (of), a great deal (of), a great many:

1. He has not ... friends in Moscow.
2. He has ... friends. 3. He has as .., friends as I have.
4. He has got ... work to do.
5. He hasn't got ... work to do today.
6. Have you invited ... people to the party?
7. We have invited ... people to the party.
8. You have invited too .,. people to the party.
9. I haven't bought ,.. apples.
10. I have bought ... apples.
11. He did not know ... about it.


1. many,
2. a lot of (or: lots of; a great many).
3. many.
4. a lot of (or: plenty of; a great deal of; lots of).
5. much.
6. many,
7. a lot of (or: lots of; a great many).
8. many.
9. many.
10. a lot of (or: lots of; a great many).
11. much.
