Упражнение 135.

Поставьте глаголы, стоящие в скобках, в зависимости от смысла, в Past Indefinite, Past Continuous, Past Perfect или Past Perfect Continuous:

1. When I (to hear) the news, I (to hurry) to see him.
2. We (to walk) to the station when it (to begin) to rain.
3. He (to sit) in the garden when the storm (to break) out.
4. He (to thank) me for what I (to do) for him.
5. When I (to wake up) this morning, the sun (to shine) high in the sky.
6. When I (to go) to the room the next day, I (to find) the books exactly where I (to leave) them.
7. We (to walk) for about two hours when at last we (to see) the lake.

1. ... I heard ...; ... I hurried ... .
2. We were walking ...; ... it began to rain.
3. He was sitting ...; ... the storm broke out.
4. He thanked ...; ... I had done ... .
5. ... I woke up ...; ... the sun was shining ... .
6. ... I went ...; ... I found ...; ... I had left.
7. We had been walking ...; ... we saw ... .
