Упражнение 171.

В следующих предложениях выделите жирным шрифтом времена страдательного залога и курсивом составное сказуемое. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. The roof of my house is painted every year.
2. The roof of my house is painted green.
3. When I arrived at the port all the cases were packed.
4. The cases were packed by skilled workers.
5. The letter is written in ink.
6. The library is usually closed at 6 o'clock.
7. The library is closed as today is Sunday.

1. The roof of my house is painted every year. Крыша моего дома красится каждый год.
2. The roof of my house is painted green. Крыша моего дома выкрашена в зеленый цвет.
3. When I arrived at the port, all the cases were packed. Когда я приехал в порт, все ящики были упакованы.
4. The cases were packed by skilled workers. Ящики были упакованы умелыми рабочими.
5. The letter is written in ink. Письмо написано чернилами.
6. The library is usually closed at 6 o'clock. Библиотека обычно закрывается в 6 часов.
7. The library is closed, as today is Sunday. Библиотека закрыта, так как сегодня воскресенье
