Упражнение 269.

Замените выделенные жирным шрифтом слова соответствующим вспомогательным глаголом:
She asked me to go with her and I went with her.
She asked me to go with her and I did.

1. We expect to arrive at five o'clock. If we arrive we shall be just in time.
2. He probably went alone. If he went alone, he must have found the journey very tiring.
3. Are you going out? If you are going out, I should like you to buy some stamps.
4. I think he has read the book. If he has read it, ask him to give it to you.
5. He thinks that he knows the subject very well, but he doesn't know it very well.
6. I asked her whether she spoke English well and she said she spoke English well.
7. She rarely smiles, but when she smiles she looks very charming.
8. "Won't you come in?" she said, and they came in.


1. If we do, ... .
2. If he did, ... .
3. If you are, ... .
4. If he has, ... .
5. ... but he doesn't.
6. ... and she said she did.
7. ... but when she does ... .
8. ... and they did.

Далее >>> Упражнение 270.
