Упражнение 167.

Замените следующие действительные обороты страдательными:

1. The sellers are to charter a ship for the transportation of the goods.
2. You should change the end of your story.
3. The committee must discuss this question immediately.
4. The accountant must check the invoice.
5. The manufacturers can deliver the machine at the end of the month.
6. The agent must inform the buyers of the arrival of the steamer.

1. A ship for the transportation of the goods is to be chartered by the sellers.
2. The end of your story should be changed.
3. This question must be discussed by the committee immediately.
4. The invoice must be checked by the accountant.
5. The machine can be delivered by the manufacturers at the end of the month.
6. The buyers must be informed by the agent of the arrival of the steamer.
